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Heart River Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services 

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Woman Walking in the Field


John Wieglenda, LCAC

I am a Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor, working in the field of alcohol and drug abuse and dependency since 1992. I earned my degree in addiction counseling from Dickinson State University and the University of Mary. After my training at the North Dakota State Hospital and Badlands Human Service Center, I joined Marsha Wieglenda in her private practice at Heart River.   2024 marks our 32nd year in business serving Southwest North Dakota. I am an individual in long term recovery.

The list of therapies I have trained in are extensive.  I choose to use what works best for the individual client.  My core therapy is 12 Step recovery.  More recently, I have become certified as a Master Accelerated Resolution Therapy Practitioner and as a Brain Health Professional through Amen University.

I have served on the North Dakota Board of Addiction Counselors, the North Dakota Addiction Treatment Providers Coalition, and on the North Dakota Board of Addiction Counselor Examiners.

My family and I reside on our Centennial Farmstead southeast of Gladstone, alongside the Heart River, where we maintain our conservation practices. My hobbies include biking, travel, metal working and table tennis.

                                                   Marsha Wieglenda Founder

Marsha was born and raised in Columbus, ND.  She graduated from high school there and went to college at NDSU getting a Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics. She moved to Jamestown and completed a Secondary education degree.  She worked for the public school and wrote a grant for a Nutrition Program for K-6. She than began working at the North Dakota State Hospital in the Chemical Dependency Unit and went back to college at Jamestown College getting a ND Addiction Counselor License.  She worked at the NDSH for 4 years specializing in the geriatric population.


Marsha was recruited to work at St. Joes Alcohol and Drug Program in 1991 and moved to Dickinson.  Shortly thereafter St Joes discontinued the treatment center and Marsha founded Heart River Alcohol and Drug where she worked until retiring 2018.   She continues as part owner and consultant.


Since retirement she has served on the board and worked with the residents of Hopes Landing at the sober houses in Dickinson, ND.  She enjoys sewing, traveling, biking and table tennis.


Mission Statement

Heart River Alcohol and Drug Abuse Service, Inc. is a private and confidential personal growth center committed to providing thorough and accurate chemical dependency assessments and treatment to the individuals we serve. We aim to provide recommendations that are both realistic and helpful for the clients we serve, and we work to get 100% placement for individuals seeking treatment at our agency or elsewhere. We strive to provide individualized treatment programs that are appropriate for our clients' personal needs and goals.

Group Session


Inpatient Drug Abuse Treatment


We utilize Dr. Amen’s Brain Health Professional Course to better evaluate and assist our clients in their recovery. Within this treatment program There are multiple questionnaires including the 6 types of addiction, 7 types of ADHD, the 16 brain types, and generalized testing for other brain disorders. 

Group Meeting

What is Recovery + Therapy ?

Our Recovery + is a combination of our traditional 12-Step Recovery along with some new and innovative practices. We are looking at wellness in the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual realm. New research has shown 80% of individuals with substance use disorder, have ADHD and or traumas that often block or limit recovery. 


The Recovery + program includes testing instruments and practical adjuncts that enhance recovery including such things as diet, exercise, supplements, ART and brain exercises. Clients learn how to change automatic negative thoughts and develop positive thinking. 


This program is appropriate for people new in recovery, as well as individuals seeking continual personal growth, post treatment. Individuals appropriate for this treatment program would need to have accepted their addiction and desire tools for recovery.  



ART is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that utilizes back and forth eye movements to help clients address common problems such as depression, anxiety, phobias, and PTSD. It is not the same eye movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), however they both use eye movements. In experiencing ART, you may find that you connect pieces of information that are already stored in your memory to help you resolve your issues. The brain, while focused on a problem and concurrently using eye movements, makes new connections with a person's strength and problems solving abilities.

ART  is a very focused eye movement therapy and as such has a produced quick effect and safe results in treating anxiety, depression, phobias, relationship issues and grief, to name a few.  

John is a Master level ART practioner,  Having added advanced and enhansed traings. He has been doing ART since 2022.


 For more information on Accelerated Resolution Therapy check out these YouTube sites:

-What is Accelerated Resolution Therapy?"

-Introduction to Accelerated Resolution Therapy

-Trauma and Accelerated Therapy is the official site for ART



Your personal history and circumstances make your addiction unique to you. This service is tailored for you and your addiction, and focuses on educating you and making you strong enough - in mind and body - to be well. We will be with you every step of the way, motivating you and helping you to see that you are never alone in this tough journey.


Most services are covered by Medicaid, Medicaid expansion, Private insurance,  or the SUD Voucher.
Insurance will not pay on evaluations/services if there is no Abuse or Dependence diagnosis.

Adult and Adolescent:

  • Alcohol and Drug Evaluations

  • ART therapy

  • Individual Therapy

  • Individual Education

  • Low Intensity Outpatient Group Therapy

  • Aftercare Services

  • Family Therapy

  • 16 Hour DUI class

  • Consultations

  • Codependency and Adult Children of Alcoholics Therapy

Group Session


Monday-Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am-1pm
Friday-Sunday:  Closed

“Happiness depends upon ourselves”



30 7th St W
St Joe's Plaza
Dickinson, ND 58601
Enter on the South end of the building thru Island Cuisine door/outside reddish stairs, go down the short hall and take a left.

PH 701-483-0795

FAX 701-483-0947

  • Facebook

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PH 701-483-0795

FAX 701-483-0947

30 7th St W
St Joe's Plaza
Dickinson, ND 58601
Enter on the South end of the building thru Island Cuisine door/outside reddish stairs, go down the short hall and take a left.

©2020 by Heart River Alcohol & Drug Abuse Service, Inc. Proudly created with

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